SSH (Secure Shell) is a secure network protocol that allows users to remotely access and manage servers over an encrypted connection. Kloudbean provides SSH shell access through both admin and app user accounts, allowing users to connect to their managed servers securely. Users can SSH into their servers using terminal applications or third-party tools like PuTTY or Terminus. Access can be authenticated via a password or an RSA key, with RSA key authentication being the more secure option. Now that you are familiar with SSH, let's explore how you can SSH into a server provided by Kloudbean.
Step 1: Accessing Server SSH/SFTP credentials from Kloudbean console
In order to SSH/SFTP to server, you need to Click on your server and then navigate to Admin Access tab. This tab has a section showing Server Public IP, Username and Password. You can copy these credential by simply clicking on Copy icon.

Once you copied these credentials one by once, you ca paste them in terminal and using ssh command, you should be able to connect to server.
Step 2: SSH using terminal
To access server, use following ssh command. Make sure to use correct admin Username and Server IP address.
Once you add this command and hit enter, prompt will ask for password. you can copy Password from Kloudbean console as shown above and paste in terminal, hit enter and you should be able to logged in to server through ssh.
ssh [email protected]

SSH using windows tool PuTTY
If you are using windows, you still have plenty of open-source tools for ssh, PuTTY is one of the windows default tool used for this purpose. If you want to access server using this tool. Open PuTTY and Insert your server IP Address in Host Name field. Port 22 is fine.
Click on Open and a terminal will open where you can insert username and password. Optionally you can also save username and password permanently in PuTTY configurations.

SSH access though RSA Public Key
The more secure and easy way to ssh your server is using ssh keys. If you wish adopt this method, Kloudbean also offer ssh using ssh keys. Follow these steps;
First of all you have to create ssh key. Creating new RSA keys is a one command process. In order to create key pair, insert following command in your terminal on the server or may be local where you which to access server.
Prompt will ask you for few optional inputs, you can hit enter on each input.
ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096

Once done, your key has been created in user's home followed by .ssh directory.

In order to copy public ssh key. you can run cat command with the public key path.
Select the key content and Go to Kloudbean console.

A prompt will open and ask for Key ID (name of key) and SSH key where you have to paste the copied key.
Click on Add button to add this key to the server.

Once keys are uploaded. Now you are ready to ssh server using these keys instead of password.
Go to the terminal and paste this command with correct Username, Server IP Address and path of private keys.
ssh [email protected] -i /home/appuser/.ssh/id_rsa

When you hit enter, you should be directly ssh into server without inserting password.
Kloudbean makes it simple and secure to SSH and SFTP into your server, ensuring seamless remote access to your managed environments. With user-friendly tools and flexible authentication methods, connecting to your server has never been easier. Whether you are an admin or app user, Kloudbean’s platform ensures a smooth experience for managing your applications and servers. Get started with Kloudbean today and enjoy hassle-free server management!
If you face any challenges or need assistance with SSH/SFTP access on the Kloudbean platform, our dedicated support team is available 24/7 to help you.