When you create any application, by default a new database is created for that application. Kloudbean provide fully optimized MariaDB on the same server, to be accessed and used by application. However if you wants to connect to other database outside server, that is also doable.
A new database and user with same name as app-system-name is created and it's credentials are available in application administration Access tab. Along with Database name, Database User, Password, there is Button LAUNCH DATABASE MANAGE which will open phpMyAdmin, pre-installed and configured on the same server in order to manage database through UI.
We can copy Database details bu clicking on Copy icon, as we are going to need these credentials to access database.
Step 1: Access Application Database Credentials

Step 2: Login to phpMyAdmin using Database Credentials
Insert Database username in Username field
Insert Database password in Password field, and Click on Login Button.

One logged In, you can see database in left menu, Database name will be same as app-system-name, as mentioned above.
Here you can execute any desired query in your database.

Whitelisting IP Address for outside database access
By default Kloudbean disable all kind of external access to database for security reason. Database is only accessible from inside the server, assuming application is also running on the same server, which can access database.
In order to Allow database public access, we can whitelist the source IP Address from where we want to allow access.
Let's access above database from another server having public IP Address In order to get server public IP address we can run ifconfig.me
command with curl
curl -4 ifconfig.me
This command will print server's public IP Address, we will add this address in IP whitelisting

Go the your server on Kloudbean console. then Go to Firewall section.
Here on this section in second tab there will an option DATABASE ACCESS RULES.
In this tab we can simply add the IP address that we want to whitelist. In this case we will paste above source server IP address, Click on Add button, then Submit button. It should add this IP address in allowed list and we should be able to access database from source server (

Once this is done, we are good to access database.
Access database using mysql-client from remote server
To access database using mysql-client from the source server, execute following command, followed by database password to access database. This is take us inside database.
mysql -h -u kb_0b35dzh9mn -p

Kloudbean offers a managed database for your application hosted on the same server, meticulously optimized, secured, and preconfigured for your convenience. With easy and secure access, managing your application database becomes seamless and hassle-free. Start leveraging Kloudbean’s powerful database management today and experience smooth, efficient performance.
If you encounter any challenges while managing your application database, our expert support team is available 24/7 to assist you.