How to Launch a New Application on a exsiting Server

Launching a new application on a server with Kloudbean is a straightforward process tailored to simplify deployment for developers. Kloudbean allows you to create a new server environment and deploy your application directly onto it. This approach ensures that your app receives the appropriate server resources and configurations from the outset.

By following a few simple steps—such as selecting a server, setting up the application, and configuring its settings—you can efficiently deploy your application with built-in scalability and support.

Step 1: Click SIGN IN button

Enter your login credentials to access your Kloudbean account.

Step 2: Navigate to Apps

Navigate to Apps using the navbar.

Step 3: Click on Add Application button

Step 4: Select Application from the dropdown

Step 5: From Select Server dropdown, select your server

Step 6: Click ADD APPLICATION button

For your last step, click on 'Add Application' button.

Step 7: Application Install Notification

On Server list page, you can check the application install messages

Step 8: Installation Done

Once installation is done, you can click on 'Apps' to check the new application.

Step 9: Installation Done

You can find your 'New Application' in Apps section

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