Why Choose Kloudbean for Your Flask Application?
- Deploy your Flask app in minutes with just a few clicks.
- Kloudbean automatically adjusts resources to handle varying traffic loads, ensuring your app runs smoothly.
- Built-in monitoring tools track app performance, health, and resource usage for easy troubleshooting.
- Kloudbean secures your app with multi-layered security protocols, including application isolation and encryption.
- Set up custom domains and enjoy free SSL certificates for secure connections.
- Kloudbean offers optimized Gunicorn and Nginx configurations for efficient traffic handling and fast performance.
- Track incoming traffic and responses to ensure smooth performance under load.
- CICD and One-Click deployment.
With Kloudbean managing the complexities of deployment, scaling, and security, you can focus on what matters most—your code and business. Let’s dive into how to get your Flask app up and running on Kloudbean.
Running Your Flask Application on Kloudbean
Now that you understand the benefits, let's dive into how you can deploy your Flask application on Kloudbean.
Step 1: Creating Flask app on new server.
This step involves;
- Choosing Cloud Provider
- Choosing Application
- Choosing Datacenter with nearest location
- Adding Application Name
- Adding Server Name
- Selecting Server size depending on needs.

Once your application is created. You can access default application by using the Application URL from Application Administration . This section include following access panels.
- Application default access url (managed by kloudbean).
- Database access url using phpmyadmin.

Read this to learn more about connecting Git repo.
Step 2: Deploying Flask app with Git.
To deploy your code from GitHub repo, you will copy repository address.

In order to deploy your code through Git, Follow these steps:
- Go to
Deploy Code
section, Click onGENERATE SSH KEY
, if not already generated. If your repo is private, then you can get SSH key by clicking onSHOW SSH KEY
. - Once SSH keys are added in your private repo (not required for public repo), Copy Git Address from your Github and paste it to
Git Branch Address
field. - Select your branch that you wants to deploy from
field. - Once above steps are done, Click on
Clone Now
Button to clone your repo.
Additionally you can see your code using kloudbean File Manager feature, by clicking on LAUNCH FILE MANAGER
As an example we are going to deploy an open source app helloflask.

Step 3: Updating bean.conf file
In your code directory you will see a file named bean.conf
is created automatically by kloudbean deployment process inside flask-src
directory. This file is super important and it includes the information about the app_directory and app_name, along with number of workers.
Note that you will see app source code is present at following directory

- APP_DIR is the directory after flask-src where your application main app file resides. Like in current example app.py file placed in form, so
- APP_NAME is the name of file colon app name. In this example app is the file name where app.py and app name is app
. - WORKERS is the total number of workers uvicorn will have to handle incoming api requests. by default kloudbean assign number of workers depending on server and your application size, but you are allowed to change it as per demand.
Note that you can create this file in your code root path as well, if you have different APP_DIR, APP_NAME and WORKERS requirement.

Optional Step 4: Adding env file for environment variables
If application use env file in order to load app enviroment variables. we can easily create env file using File Manager.
- Access file manager by clicking on LAUNCH FILE MANAGER BUTTON
- In required directory Click on New file from side menu.
- Add file name (.env) and hit

Your env file is created and opened in editor. you can copy paste or add variables manually in this file. If your application is reading database credentials from env, you can add them as well.

Step 5: Applying new configurational changes
Once all the required configurations are update. It's time to apply those changes. We can apply the changes either by Hitting Pull & Deploy
button, or we can run sudo adm
command from the shell or terminal.

Accessing the Application
As application has been deployed. You can access it using the default URL provided by kloudbean on Access Tab. In this example url is https:/flask-232199543363147.kloudbeansite.com

Optional Step 6: Deployment through Shell/Terminal:
If you to want access your application server through shell in order to perform deployments, explore logs and errors or update/review code, Follow these steps.
- Access your server using ssh command on your terminal. Copy server IP address.
- Copy admin username.
- Copy admin user password.

In your terminal write SSH command. ssh <admin-username>@<ip-address>
Like in this example ssh command is ssh [email protected]
After you paste password and hit Enter, You should be successfully into the server through secure shell.

Read this to learn more about how to ssh a server.
Optional Step 5: Deploying code using sudo adm command
Once you are ssh into the server, you can perform manual deployment using command sudo adm
on the terminal. It will list you all the applications that are installed on this server, with its system-name. The application we just installed is the one with system-name kb_lwok8mnc2h
so we will type 7
and hit Enter. It will start deploying the application.

Once deployment process starts, It will perform following steps;
- Take a pull. If new commits are available on our branch, latest code will be pulled.
- System will attempt to install dependencies by installing it from
file. - It will update the service and restart the gunicorn automatically to make new changes effective.

Optional Step 6: View deployment and application logs
If you want to view application logs you can see api access and application logs from app-logs directory by executing following command;tail -100 /home/admin/hosted-sites/<app-system-name>/app-logs/service.log

Optionally you can review application and access logs from File Manager.
- Access File Manager by Clicking on
fromDeploy Code
Tab. - Click on app-system-name
in top navigation bar. - Click on Folder
- Double click on
to view application logs file.

Read this to learn how to enable auto deployment using CI/CD.
Kloudbean makes deploying Flask applications fast, easy, and secure, freeing you from the complexities of DevOps. With just a few clicks, your application is ready to handle production traffic with optimized performance. Start deploying with Kloudbean today and take your Flask application to the next level!
If you still face any trouble while making your Flask app live using kloudbean platform, Our DevOps support is available 24/7 to assist you.