Managing Application Domains and Aliases

Managing application domains and aliases is a crucial part of organizing and optimizing your application’s web presence. By setting up custom domains and aliases, you can ensure that your application is accessible via a variety of URLs, improving branding, user experience, and scalability. Kloudbean simplifies the process, allowing you to efficiently manage and configure your domains and aliases with ease.

Accessing application domains from Domain Alias section

In order to add custom domain, Go to Domain Aliases section using left menu in application administration. Here you will see default domain is available and currently acting as primary domain, because no custom domain is added yet.

Click on ADD ANOTHER DOMAIN to add custom domain. you can add multiple domain as many as want, they will act as aliases.

Demonstration on accessing application domains from Kloudbean console.
Demonstration on accessing application domains from Kloudbean console.

Adding new Domain or Alias

Once you click on ADD ANOTHER DOMAIN, prompt will ask for domain, here you add correct domain and hit Save button. this should add this domain as Alias.

Demonstration on adding new domain to your site.
Demonstration on adding new domain to your site.

Once alias is added, you can make this domain primary by clicking on three dots button, where Make Primary option will appear.

Making Domain primary

By just clicking on Make Primary, your domain will become primary domain.

Demonstration on making new domain act as primary.
Demonstration on making new domain act as primary.

Once done, you will see Primary tag is added with this domain, which is now successfully acting as primary domain, all other domains will be redirected to this domain upon accessed.

Demonstration on viewing primary domain.
Demonstration on viewing primary domain.

Adding DNS record on Cloudflare.

No that we have added our domain, we can add a DNS record in any of the DNS service provider. In this example we are going to use Cloudflare.

Click and open your domain from Cloudflare dashboard. From DNS section click on Add Record to create a new A record.

Demonstration on adding new DNS record on Cloudflare.
Demonstration on adding new DNS record on Cloudflare.

Populate following fields

  1. Record type should be A.
  2. In Name field, add your subdomain.
  3. In IP Address field add your server's IP address, keep proxy on if you want to hide your server IP address and terminate SSL certificates in Cloudflare.
  4. Hit Save button to make this subdomain live.
Demonstration on adding new DNS record on Cloudflare.
Demonstration on adding new DNS record on Cloudflare.

Validating DNS propagation using dig utility

Once record is added, after few seconds you can validate if DNS has been propagated. In this example we can see that our domain is pointing to Cloudflare servers, which means DNS has worked.


Kloudbean makes managing application domains and aliases simple, ensuring your application is easily accessible and optimized for both functionality and branding. With streamlined configuration, you can set up and manage multiple domains and aliases without any hassle.

If you need any help or have questions about managing your domains and aliases, our 24/7 support team is always ready to assist you.

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