Kloudbean provides two types of SSL Certificates.
1) Let's encrypt certificate
2) Custom SSL Certificate
Let's Encrypt Certificate:
A Let’s Encrypt certificate is a type of SSL/TLS certificate provided for free by a non-profit organization called Let’s Encrypt. It helps secure websites by encrypting the data transmitted between the website and its visitors, just like any other SSL certificate, but with some key differences:
Steps to Install Let's Encrypt Certificate on Kloudbean:
Step 0: Make sure your application is created on Kloudbean.
Step 1: Go to the Application Administration by clicking on your app.
Step 2: Go to SSL Certificate in your tab.
![](https://storage.simplebase.co/buckets/VKAl4Nch7qZlGPwtQqGwcvXadZu2/uploads/Screenshot (1)-1BmnSw1l.png)
Step 3: Choose Let's Encrypt Certificate.
Step 4: Enter your email address and add your domain.
![](https://storage.simplebase.co/buckets/VKAl4Nch7qZlGPwtQqGwcvXadZu2/uploads/Screenshot (3)-9JDLiYIx.png)
Final Step: Click on Install Certificate.
Custom Certificate:
A custom certificate is an SSL certificate that is bought and set up specifically for your website. Unlike free certificates like Let’s Encrypt, custom certificates are often paid for and offer more options depending on your needs.
Steps to Install Custom SSL Certificate on Kloudbean:
Step 0: Make sure your application is created on Kloudbean.
Step 1: Go to the Application Administration by clicking on your app.
Step 2: Go to SSL Certificate in your tab.
![](https://storage.simplebase.co/buckets/VKAl4Nch7qZlGPwtQqGwcvXadZu2/uploads/Screenshot (1)-WdESwpPe.png)
Step 3: Choose Custom SSL Certificate.
![](https://storage.simplebase.co/buckets/VKAl4Nch7qZlGPwtQqGwcvXadZu2/uploads/Screenshot (4)-IlnJsFOh.png)
Step 4: Enter your Public Certificate and Private key in their respective fields.
![](https://storage.simplebase.co/buckets/VKAl4Nch7qZlGPwtQqGwcvXadZu2/uploads/Screenshot (5)-zCWpghYZ.png)
Final Step: Click on Submit.